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Divi Builder JavaScript API

The builder’s JavaScript API definition.

window : Window

Global window object.

Kind: global typedef
Emits: event:et_builder_api_ready

ETBuilderModule : React.Component | object

Custom module for the Divi Builder.

Kind: global typedef

Static Properties (Required)

Name Type Description
slug string The module’s slug as defined in it’s PHP class


Methods (Required)

Name Type Description
render function


Divi Builder API object passed to registered callbacks of the event:et_builder_api_ready event.

Kind: global constant



Manage custom modules.

Kind: static property of API
Since: 3.1


Register one or more custom modules.

Kind: static method of Modules
Since: 3.1

Param Type Description
modules Array.<ETBuilderModule> Modules to register.



Useful functions

Kind: static property of API
Since: 3.1



Lodash – A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.

Kind: static method of Utils
License: MIT
Copyright: JS Foundation and other contributors

Utils.classnames() ⇒ string

Generates className value based on the args provided. Takes any number of args which can be a string or an object. The argument foo is short for { foo: true }. If the value associated with a given key is falsy, the key won’t be included in the output.

Kind: static method of Utils
License: MIT
Copyright: 2017 Jed Watson

string | Object.<string, boolean>


classNames('foo', 'bar');                 // => 'foo bar'
classNames('foo', { bar: true });         // => 'foo bar'
classNames({ 'foo-bar': true });          // => 'foo-bar'
classNames({ 'foo-bar': false });         // => ''
classNames({ foo: true }, { bar: true }); // => 'foo bar'
classNames({ foo: true, bar: true });     // => 'foo bar'


Utils.decodeOptionListValue(encoded_value) ⇒ object

Decode string value of option_list module setting field type.

Kind: static method of Utils
Since: 3.1

Param Type Description
encoded_value string Value to be decoded


Utils.fontnameToClass(font_name) ⇒ string

Returns CSS class for a google font.

Kind: static method of Utils

Param Type Description
font_name string Font name for which to return a CSS class


Utils.linkRel(saved_value) ⇒ string

Generate link rel HTML attribute value based on a value saved in a module’s settings.

Kind: static method of Utils
Since: 3.1

Param Type Description
saved_value string Value saved in module settings



Loads a Google Font if it hasn’t already been loaded.

Kind: static method of Utils
Since: 3.1

Param Type Description
font_name string The name of the font to load


Utils.processFontIcon(icon, is_down_icon) ⇒ string

Generates HTML for a saved font-based icon value.

Kind: static method of Utils
Since: 3.1

Param Type Description
icon string The saved icon value
is_down_icon boolean Whether or not the icon is one of the down arrow icons


Utils.setElementFont(font_data, use_important, default_values) ⇒ string

Generates font related CSS style properties from font data saved in a module’s settings.

Kind: static method of Utils
Since: 3.1

Param Type Description
font_data string Font data saved in module settings
use_important boolean Whether or not to use !important
default_values object Mapping of default values for the font settings


API.isRegistered(slug) ⇒ boolean

Whether or not a component is registered.

Kind: static method of API
Since: 3.1

Param Type Description
slug string The component’s slug



Convenience wrapper for register

Kind: static method of API
Since: 3.1

Param Type Description
modules Array.<ETBuilderModule> Modules to register.
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