Inline Social Sharing Icons

Monarch dynamically detects where the content of your pages and posts begins and ends so that it can automatically place social sharing buttons above or below your content. See below for examples of the available design options.

Place Icons Above Content

Display social sharing icons above your content to encourage users to share!

Below The Content

Let Monarch auto detect where to place sharing buttons at the end of your content.

Or Both!

You can also choose for Monarch to display buttons above and below your content.


Choose from our selection of gorgeous hover effects.


Display your buttons in up to 6 columns or let them take on an auto-width.

Show Counts

You can to show your share counts alongside your network names or on their own.


Choose to center or left align your network icons.

Remove Gutters

Remove button spacing for a whole new look and feel


Select from either squared, rounded, or circular buttons

Custom Colors

Enjoy full control over the colors of your buttons and button content.

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Monarch flyin boxes encourage sharing at the optimum time.